It takes a while to understand that social media sites are developed for more than just entertainment and de-escalation of boredom. You can make money through social media without selling anything. These platforms are, believe it or not, perfectly designed to be used as money-making machines.
It may take you a little time and a lot of effort to get recognized by other social media users. You’ll need to build an image and audience on social media. You’ll need to build an audience and engage in an effective social media content strategy. Over time, as your audience grows and you accumulate more and followers a number of new income opportunities may open up to you, and you’ll never have to create a store or start your own business if you don’t want to.
Once you have a substantial audience, here are some ways you can make money with your popular social media account:
1.品牌推廣(常說的業配)Brand Promotion:
一些最有效的行銷是通過線上廣告和促銷來完成的,但並非全部都是按點擊付費的廣告。 許多公司將求助於有名和受歡迎的名人(=明星、網紅、KOL、部落客)來推廣或認同他們的產品。 如果你成為在社群媒體有影響力的個人或公司,品牌就可以與你聯繫以進行品牌推廣(業配)。品牌都知道這是一個好方法,尤其是在吸引目標受眾上。
Some of the most effective marketing is done through ads and promotions online, but not all of it is pay per click advertising. Many companies will turn to famous and popular celebrities to promote or endorse their products. If you become a social media influencer companies may reach out to you for brand promotion deals. Companies know this is a great way, especially to reach a targeted audience.
Example: Look at Tecno Mobile who launched a Tik Tok campaign to reach out to teen users, which comprise about 90% of the website’s audience.
2: 向粉絲喊話Shout-outs:
『向粉絲喊話』正成為最常見的社群媒體推廣策略之一,尤其是在年輕人和千禧一代中。 你會發現某人具有很高的社群媒體個性,其受眾群體適合你的目標市場,並且你可以透過他們向他們的受眾大力傳達關於你的品牌的一切。 你不僅可以通過這種方式獲得新客戶,還可以得到追隨者和更多的關注。如果你在社群媒體上具有足夠的影響力,其他有影響力的人和公司可能會與你聯繫,他們十分願意付錢讓你為他們的品牌做大力的推廣。
Shout-outs, especially among young people and millennials, are becoming one of the most common social media promotion tactics. You find someone who is a highly influential social media personality with an audience that fits your target market and you get them to give a shout-out to their audience about your page or business. Not only can you gain new customers this way, but also followers and viewers for your other pages online. If you become influential enough on social media, other influencers and companies may reach out to you for a paid shout-out.
3.在社群媒體販售藝術創作和手工藝品Selling Arts And Crafts On Social Media:
全球數以百萬計甚至數十億的社群媒體用戶都熱愛藝術。 誰不愛透過藝術、手工藝和其他特殊才能看到他人在行動中展現的創造力。事實上, 如果操作正確,那麼秀出自己的創造力和才能,並進行展示,是建立可靠的社群媒體的好方法。 除了獲得影響之外,它還為賺錢機會打開了大門。 許多藝術家已經在Instagram上出售商品,而Facebook也開始涉足電子商務。 如果你有才能和愛好,並且擅長且充滿熱情,無庸置疑可以將它變為一門社群媒體生意。
Millions, maybe even billions of social media users all over the world have a love for the arts. Who doesn’t love seeing the creativity of another person in action through arts, crafts, and other special talents. Showing your creativity and talents in action and putting them on display is a great way to build a solid social media following if you do it right. In addition to getting the influence though, it also opens up the door to money-making opportunities. Many artists are already selling on Instagram, and Facebook is starting to break into E-Commerce as well. If you have talents and hobbies you’re good at and passionate about, you may be able to turn it into a social media business.
4.保持關注者與內容的互動Keeping Followers Engaged With Content
在社群媒體上建立關注、並保持關注相同主題領域,因為它們會不斷創造內容。 你需要的內容是原創,獨特的,並且可以保持相關用戶的參與度,並且必須持續不間斷。 跟上你需要的所有內容以保持強大的追隨者可能是很困難的,但這非常值得,而且借助諸如News Poster之類的使用者友善型的軟體可以使你更輕鬆地開始在頁面上運行相關內容。

Building a following and keeping a following on social media follow somewhat similar strategies, in they evolve the constant creation of content. You need content that is original, unique, and will keep relevant users engaged, and it has to be constant. Keeping up with all the content you need to keep your following strong can be demanding, but it’s very much worth it, and made easier by user-friendly software like News Poster to help get you started with relevant content rolling on your page.