什麼是On-Page SEO?
On-Page SEO指的是站內優化或稱頁面優化,On Page SEO 的執行,有助於幫助 Google 更清楚且有效率的了解網頁內容,以及網頁內容的相關性和內容確切性,使得頁面能夠有更佳的使用者體驗與更高的排名。
2020的今天,即使全球因為新冠肺炎有了很大的變化,搜索引擎仍然是使用者上網尋找資訊最常用的工具之一,當然Google是其中最突出的工具。 因此,搜索引擎優化是關鍵、它可以使你的網站可見並吸引更多內容。你需要流量來吸引受眾,也需要受眾來吸引轉換。這些都必須從搜索引擎優化開始。搜索引擎優化有不同類型,包括頁面外(off-page)和頁面上(on-page),並且規則因搜索引擎而略有不同。
Search engines remain one of the most common tools users are utilizing to find things online, Google of course being the most prominent among them. Search engine optimization is therefore key and making your site visible and getting your content on more eyes. You need traffic to build an audience, and an audience to build conversions. That starts with search engine optimization. There are different types of search engine optimization including off-page and on-page, and the rules vary a little by search engine.
For the sake of this post we will focus on practical ways you can create your written content in a way that optimizes your on-page content for Google.
選擇你的關鍵字Choosing Your Keyword
優化你創造的任何內容的第一步將是選擇“關鍵字”,關鍵字是文章中的靈魂要角,是你想要在搜索引擎中突出顯示的一個字(或是簡單的句子)。 換句話說,你應該試著找出當人們搜尋和你文章相關的內容時,會輸入哪些關鍵字?然後,你必須將該關鍵字加進你的文章、並產出吸引人的內容。
The first step in optimizing any content you write is going to be choosing your “keyword” the keyword is the main word in your text, which you want to stick out to search engines. In other words you want to try and think of a keyword that users searching for what your page has to offer, would type into a search engine. You then must attach that keyword to engaging and relevant content to draw people in.
It’s important the keyword is related to the content, makes sense, and provides useful and accurate information, don’t use “click-bait” and other deceitful tactics or Google, along with your users, may view you as untrustworthy.
通常,你應該嘗試使用“長尾(long tail)”關鍵字,或者以人們可能在搜索引擎中輸入的常用短語或特定專有名詞的關鍵字,通常包含四個或更多的單詞。 選擇關鍵字之前,你需要進行關鍵字研究。 關鍵字研究涉及找到與你要傳達的內容相關的關鍵字,該關鍵字是一種常用的搜索詞,並且容易在競爭中排名。 你可以使用Google關鍵字研究工具或類似Web Fire的自動化工具,這個好用的工具還會告訴你如何在所選關鍵字的競爭中排名。
In general, you should try to use “long tail” keywords, or keywords that are written as common phrases or terms people might input into a search engine, that usually consists of four words or more. Before you choose a keyword you’ll want to do keyword research. Keyword research involves finding a keyword that is relevant to the content you want to promote, is a popularly used search term, and is easy to rank against the competition. You can use Google keyword research tool or a an automated programs like Web Fire which also tells you how you rank against the competition for your chosen keywords.
大標題,副標題和本文Headings, Subheadings, and Plain Text
你所有的標題和文章內容都應盡可能地將關鍵字置入。 最重要的是,它應包含在你的大標題中,並應包含在盡可能多的副標題中。 你的關鍵字還需要自然地併入整個文章主體中,而且要有一定的頻率(但不要太頻繁)。 你需要盡可能多地使用關鍵字,但又要做的不著痕跡。由於google可能會因填充關鍵字(Keyword Stuffing),而判斷你提供的是垃圾資訊,因此你不能過度使用它。過去,SEO專家通常會告訴你將關鍵字放在你可以輸入的每個段落和每個句子中,但現在情況已不再如此。
All of your titles and subtitles should try to include your keyword. Most importantly it should be included in your main heading, and as many subheadings as you can. Your keyword also needs to be incorporated naturally and somewhat frequently (but not too frequently) throughout the body of your main texts. You need to use the keyword as much as you can but essentially without seeming like you’re trying to. Because google may penalize you for “keyword” stuffing you don’t want to overdo it. In the old days SEO experts used to tell to put the keyword in every paragraph and every sentence that you could, but this is no longer the case.
Many experts recommend a keyword density of 1% or 2% of your entire text bodies, but others say there’s really no real rule of thumb.
圖片和替代文字Images and Alt Text
所有內容都應包含圖像,這樣可以使發文更具吸引力,而且對於許多人來說,當有圖片來輔助文字時,會感覺更有說服力。 相關圖像在搜索引擎優化中也非常重要。 例如,“替代文字(alt text)”就不該被忽略。 圖像中的替代文字是讓你將滑鼠游標懸停在圖片上時會彈出小的文字標題。
ALT(替代文字),可以稱為”ALT屬性”、”ALT描述” ,ALT是HTML的一個屬性,主要是用來作為圖片的文字敘述,當圖片無法正常載入時,就顯示該圖片的ALT敘述,來替代未載入的圖片。
All content should contain imagery, it makes a post more engaging and for many it just feels more accurate when there’s picture in front us to support the text. Relevant images are very important in search engine optimization as well. The “alt text” for instance should be considered. The alt text of in image is simply that let little text caption that pops up whenever you hover your mouse over an imagine.
The alt text of an image plays a role in search engine placement as well and should include the keyword you want to optimize.
增加信任的點擊型連結Links for Trust and Click-Through
For the sake of search engine optimization every post should have links. There’s just something about them that make a page more appealing visually, but they also boost your search engine ranking. Every post, if possible, you should include at least two or three linked references to high authority websites to establish trust.
當你在頁面上開發更多內容時,你也需要建立更多指向該頁面的連結。嘗試用不同以往的方式去創作你的內容,以與以前製作的內容大致無關的方式編寫內容,並包括指向該內容的連結(內部連結)。 只要頁面上的主題與你目前的發文大致相似,就盡可能嘗試在頁面上建立至少兩個或三個連結;連結到你已發佈的文章。
As you develop more content on your page you’ll also want to create links to that as well. Try writing your content in a way that may loosely relate to something you’ve produced before, and include a link to it. Whenever possible try to get at least two or three links on your page to content you’ve produced before, as long as its loosely similar subject matter to your current post.
推薦延伸閱讀:內部連結這樣設,才能 100% 發揮作用!
使用優化工具Using Optimized Tools
為了SEO所做的內容優化很重要但也相當不容易。很多時候魔鬼都藏在細節裡,要記住的很多(特別是專有名詞、英文縮寫),但是隨著學習的越來越多,你應該及時掌握一些東西。 幸運的是,其實有一種更簡單的方法。在國外,有人開發出一些自動工具(例如Robot Author)建立經過優化的原始內容,以節省你的時間和麻煩。
Optimizing content for SEO is anything but easy. Many times the devil is in the details and it’s a lot to remember, but you should get the hang of things in time as you learn more and more. Luckily, there is an easier way. You can also create original, already optimized content using automated programs like Robot Author to save you the time and headache.
![Robot Author](https://cckaki.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/728x90-b.gif)